sell mortgage

Why discount mortgage
True reason for discount
Typical seller mortgage
Create saleable mortgage
Mortgage & note to use
Mortgage application
Mortgage fraud
Unusual mortgage clauses
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Sell your mortgage
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Mortgage dictionary

Typical Seller Financed Mortgage

The typical seller financed mortgage has very few of the above features.

bulletNo appraisal
bulletNo survey
bulletNo credit reports on borrower(s)
bulletSmall or zero down payment
bulletBorrowers with bad or poor credit
bulletNo proof of borrower employment or income
bulletNon-standard mortgage and note
bulletInterest rate may be below market rate for this type of credit risk borrower
bulletNon-institutional lender (of course)
bulletNo government or billion-dollar company guarantee of payment
bulletSometimes no title insurance

The above are the TRUE reasons why your mortgage isn't worth as much (percentage-wise) as one originated by your local bank for sale to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

Now add to that the facts that:

bullet You have an intermediary taking a commission (which is many cases they richly deserve)
bulletYou don't have the bargaining power of CitiBank or Nations Bank
bulletThis may be the only mortgage you will only sell in your life
bulletYou really don't understand the mortgage process and unfortunately it may be easy to bamboozle you

Let's be honest about this, some of these factors are just insurmountable. But what you really need to do right up front is to make your mortgage as similar as you can to those originated by institutional lenders.

Create a saleable mortgage

Let hundreds of hungry note buyers compete for your mortgage. Place free listing to sell it.

Sell your mortgage