sell mortgage

Why discount mortgage
True reason for discount
Typical seller mortgage
Create saleable mortgage
Mortgage & note to use
Mortgage application
Mortgage fraud
Unusual mortgage clauses
Interest rate to ask
Payment calculator
What is mortgage worth
Sell your mortgage
Evaluate offers
Misleading offers
More misleading offers
Historic interest rates
Mortgage dictionary

Sell your mortgage for the highest price

Be aware of all the issues raised in the earlier pages.

Now place a FREE listing to sell your mortgage in the web site of is the only open to all National Multiple Listing Service of mortgages for sale., Inc. does NOT themselves buy mortgages and is totally unbiased.

You may be better off to sell the first part of the mortgage payments with the right to keep the balance of the payments. This is called selling a partial mortgage. But be careful if you are asked to agree now to sell the remaining payments now for a fixed amount later.

Evaluate the offers you receive.

Let hundreds of hungry note buyers compete for your mortgage. Place free listing to sell it.

Sell your mortgage