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Typical seller mortgage
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Mortgage & note to use
Mortgage application
Mortgage fraud
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Mortgage and note to use

We recommend using the same mortgage and note documentation as used by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.

Fannie Mae forms are available at the following link on the Fannie Mae web site. You click on the left for Security instruments (mortgages or deeds of trust)  for every state and Notes for every state.

Freddie Mac forms are available at the following link on the Freddie Mac web site. You go down the page a little for Security instruments (mortgages or deeds of trust)  for every state and Notes for every state.

Of course you should require the borrowers fill in a conforming mortgage application.

You should be aware of the problems with mortgage fraud.

Let hundreds of hungry note buyers compete for your mortgage. Place free listing to sell it.

Sell your mortgage